Cleveland, NC

Headache and Migraine Treatments

Suffering from an occasional headache or migraine is usually not a reason to seek treatment. However, a large percentage of the population suffers from frequent headaches and migraines that can interfere with work and routine activities. Neck pain and nausea can also accompany some types of headaches and migraines, further reducing a person’s quality of life. If you live in the Garner (40/42 area), our chiropractors at Cleveland Chiropractic and Massage can help alleviate your pain.

Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy Can Help

Manipulating the spine has been shown to help reduce certain types of headaches. Patients that experience a headache or migraine that is linked to neck pain or that originates in the neck are most likely to respond positively to treatment. Both isolated and chronic cases of headaches stemming from neck issues have responded well to spinal manipulation from chiropractic or massage therapy treatment.

Treatment Combinations

Besides massage therapy or spinal manipulation, our chiropractors may ask you about potential headache or migraine triggers. Some people, for instance, might notice that they frequently get headaches after being exposed to a lot of noise. Others may notice they get a migraine after a stressful day. Potential triggers can also include foods, underlying diseases, exposure to certain types of light, and poor sleep or posture habits.

In some cases, our chiropractor may refer patients to a neurologist for further examination. A history of concussions or head injuries, for example, may lead to chronic migraines and headaches. Undergoing a CT scan or MRI scan sometimes uncovers physical changes to the brain that are abnormal as a result of an injury.

Lifestyle Modifications

Individuals that work in certain jobs that can promote poor posture and neck pain may be advised to make some changes, such as incorporating ergonomic furniture and computer equipment. Others may need to change their physical fitness routines. Switching from high-impact activities like running to low-impact activities such as walking or swimming can help reduce the amount of strain on the neck and the brain. For others, lifestyle changes may involve having to wear dental devices at night to prevent jaw or teeth clenching.

Schedule a Consultation with Our Chiropractors

If you suffer from frequent headaches and migraines, schedule a consultation with one of our chiropractors as a step towards reducing your pain and discomfort. An initial consultation will help assess your symptoms and determine whether chiropractic treatment is right for you. If you live in Garner, Cleveland, Clayton, or the 40/42 area, and you would like to know more about our headache and migraine treatment, call Cleveland Chiropractic and Massage today at (919) 772-7996.

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