Chances are good that in the aftermath of an auto accident you’ll find yourself in search of a chiropractor in Garner (40/42 area), NC, or in the greater Cleveland area. At Cleveland Chiropractic and Massage, we understand the unique needs you face in the aftermath of an auto accident and can help you find lasting pain relief and healing. These are a few of the frequently asked questions people have concerning auto accidents and our chiropractic care.

Should I See a Chiropractor Even If I’m Not in Pain?
Many people are surprised by the advice to see a chiropractor after an accident – especially if they are not experiencing immediate pain. Unfortunately, some injuries can take days, weeks, months, and even years to surface – injuries that could be identified and treated much more quickly with a thorough chiropractic examination.
Is It Normal for Pain to Intensify Days After the Original Injury?
Many people report little or no pain at the time of the auto accident only to experience much stronger aches and pains in the days and weeks to follow. It is quite normal. However, if you have not seen a chiropractor, now is the time to do so.
How Long Will It Take Auto Accident Injuries to Heal?
Unfortunately, that is a question that will require an examination before it can be answered. Each individual is different and many factors can affect recovery time from your injuries including things like the severity of the injury, your overall state of health, your body’s healing capacity, and the treatment plan you follow.
What Types of Chiropractic Treatments Are Used for Auto Accident Injuries?
This is another question that varies a great deal from person to person and has much to do with the specific injuries sustained. Among the common treatments, you will find corrective exercises, massage therapy, chiropractic adjustment, electrical therapy, spinal manipulation, and other types of treatment. Our chiropractor will discuss possible treatment options following examination.
Why Consider Chiropractic Care for Auto Accident Injuries?
There are many reasons chiropractic care reigns supreme when it comes to managing pain and promoting healthy healing from auto accident injuries. Not only is it a drug-free treatment, but the techniques used are also non-invasive, and complementary with other forms of injury treatment. If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Garner (40/42 area), now is the perfect time to call Cleveland Chiropractic and Massage to assist in your auto accident injury recovery needs. For more information on our auto accident injury care, or to schedule an appointment, call us at (919) 772-7996